What's New in Version 2.0

List of important changes/enhancements to PDB format as found in Contents Guide Version 2.0.

* Columns 71 - 80 now contain data. They previously contained the PDB ID code and record serial number. These items may be generated using scripts available from the PDB.

Changes to ATOM/HETATM Records

* A segment identifier has been added to the coordinate records in columns 73 - 76. This allows unambiguous identification of regions of the chains and the relationship between them by specifying segments of molecules.
* The element symbol and charge now appear in columns 77 - 80 of the coordinate records.
* When temperature factors are provided, the tempFactor field (columns 61 - 66) always contains the isotropic B value, even when ANISOU records are provided.
* Insertion codes (column 27) are now defined as being alphabetic only.

Changes to Other Records

* HELIX records now contain the length of the helix in columns 72 - 76.
* SSBOND records now state the symmetry operation needed to generate one of the residues of the disulfide bond, if necessary.
* Footnotes (FTNOTE) have been dropped.
* In CRYST1 records:
         - The full international Hermann-Mauguin symbol is used,
           e.g., P 1 21 1 instead of P 21.

         - For a rhombohedral space group in the hexagonal setting,
           the lattice type symbol used is H.

* A number of record types which previously contained free text have been restructured as follows:
         - "Keyword: value" pairs have been introduced in certain records
           such as COMPND and SOURCE to allow easier parsing.

         - EXPDTA has been expanded and now appears in every PDB coordinate

         - REMARK records have been restructured to allow easier parsing
           and to bring more organization to these records.

New Record Types Added


For details on each of these changes, see the section of the associated record type in this document.